127 research outputs found

    The students' point of view about quality of educational multimedia software

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    The study reported here is part of an international project supported by EU (PEDACTICE - Educational Multimedia in Compulsory School: From Pedagogical Assessment to Product Assessment) and had as main goal to know the opinion and the perception of the Portuguese students about criteria of quality of educational multimedia software. In order to obtain elements on the student`s point of view about educational multimedia software, we decided to interview small groups of pupils who are involved in the work with multimedia materials and than gather, organize and analyse the information got. The sample of interviewed pupils can be considered as representative of the Lisbon schools attended by teachers and pupils very much interested in multimedia materials which these students use not only as an aid to learning activities but also as a support to home and school work. As main results of the study we can refer: a) the confirmation of the success of computers and multimedia among the young Portuguese student population, being manifest either in their attitudes or in the diversity of their experiences, including the technical mastery of informas; b) the acknowledgment, by the students, of the role of the school and of those of their teachers who had till now led the process; c) an unexpected emphasis attached by the students, mainly by the older ones, to the use of computer as a resource for school work which, till now, was done without it; and d) the rare use of the computer for supporting tasks of creative or autonomous nature.European Comissio

    Perfil gerencial para las instituciones prestadoras de salud

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    El propósito de este trabajo es profundizar sobre un perfil gerencial para los directivos de las empresas del sector de la salud, de manera que sean capaces de crear, reflexionar y asumir compromisos desde la realidad nacional, como fundamento de un desarrollo sostenido con justicia social

    Teachers's competence and confidence regarding the use of ICT

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    The aim of this paper is to present a qualitative multiple case study research on primary school teachers’ competence and confidence level regarding the use of ICT in the teaching and learning practice carried out in five different European countries (Greece, Italy, Portugal, Spain and The Netherlands). Focus group interview was the central data collection technique used in this study. As a result of the data analysis some important issues emerged which gave rise to four main dimensions - individual factors, contextual factors (at macro and micro levels) and factors related with teacher training and education. These factors may function as anchor-points (main categories) for the elaboration of the instruments for further research

    Primary Teachers’ Competence and Confidence Level regarding the Use of ICT

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    The aim of this paper is to present a qualitative multiple case study research on primary school teachers’ competence and confidence level regarding the use of ICT in the teaching and learning practice carried out in five different European countries (Greece, Italy, Portugal, Spain and The Netherlands). Focus group interview was the central data collection technique used in this study . As a result from the data analysis some important issues emerged which gave rise to four main dimensions - individual factors, contextual factors (at macro and micro levels) and factors related with teacher training andeducation. These factors may function as anchor-points (main categories) for the elaboration of the instruments for further research.The project IPETCCO aims at understanding the potential for ICT-based innovation for Southern European primary school teachers. The central concern is with teachers´skills, knowledge and attitudes towards ICT and innovation. The objectives include: - a review into the curricular structures of four Southern European countries with the aim of identifying the curricular space for innovation; - an in-depth investigation into the current situation regarding the application of ICT in the learning/teaching practice; - an in-depth investigation into the competence and confidence levels of a sample group of primary school teachers; - an analysis, clustering and dissemination of project outputs. More information, in Portuguese, here: ipetcco index www2.fpce.ul.pt/pessoal/ulfpcost/ipetcco/European Comissio

    Competência e confiança dos professores no uso das TIC Síntese de um estudo internacional

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    Este artigo tem como propósito apresentar um estudo de caso múltiplo, de natureza qualitativa, sobre a competência e a confiança dos professores do ensino básico (1) no uso das TIC nas práticas educativas. Cada caso refere-se a um dos cinco países europeus (Espanha, Grécia, Holanda, Itália e Portugal) envolvidos no projecto IPETCCO “Investigation in Primary Education Teachers’ Confidence and Competence. Supporting Innovation...”, (2) um projecto de investigação em parte financiado pela Comissão Europeia (Programa Socrates/Minerva). Utilizou-se a entrevista de grupo como técnica principal de recolha de dados. Tendo principalmente em vista a elaboração dos instrumentos de recolha de dados da fase seguinte do estudo, emergiram da análise das entrevistas três grupos de factores ou dimensões centrais em torno dos quais se viria a organizar um questionário: factores individuais, factores contextuais (ao nível macro e micro) e factores relacionados com a formação de professores (a consciência dos professores sobre a sua prática)

    The students’ point of view about quality of educational multimedia software

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    The study reported here is part of an international project supported by EU (PEDACTICE - Educational Multimedia in Compulsory School: From Pedagogical Assessment to Product Assessment8) and had as main goal to know the opinion and the perception of the Portuguese students about criteria of quality of educational multimedia software.In order to obtain elements on the student`s point of view about educational multimedia software, we decided to interview small groups of pupils who are involved in the work with multimedia materials and than gather, organize and analyse the information got. The sample of interviewed pupils can be considered as representative of the Lisbon schools attended by teachers and pupils very much interested in multimedia materials which these students use not only as an aid to learning activities but also as a support to home and school work. As main results of the study we can refer: a) the confirmation of the success of computers and multimedia among the young Portuguese student population, being manifest either in their attitudes or in the diversity of their experiences, including the technical mastery of informatics; b) the acknowledgment, by the students, of the role of the school and of those of their teachers who had till now led the process; c) an unexpected emphasis attached by the students, mainly by the older ones, to the use of computer as a resource for school work which, till now, was done without it; and d) the rare use of the computer for supporting tasks of creative or autonomous nature.The study reported here is part of an international project supported by EU (PEDACTICE - Educational Multimedia in Compulsory School: From Pedagogical Assessment to Product Assessment8) and had as main goal to know the opinion and the perception of the Portuguese students about criteria of quality of educational multimedia software.In order to obtain elements on the student`s point of view about educational multimedia software, we decided to interview small groups of pupils who are involved in the work with multimedia materials and than gather, organize and analyse the information got. The sample of interviewed pupils can be considered as representative of the Lisbon schools attended by teachers and pupils very much interested in multimedia materials which these students use not only as an aid to learning activities but also as a support to home and school work. As main results of the study we can refer: a) the confirmation of the success of computers and multimedia among the young Portuguese student population, being manifest either in their attitudes or in the diversity of their experiences, including the technical mastery of informatics; b) the acknowledgment, by the students, of the role of the school and of those of their teachers who had till now led the process; c) an unexpected emphasis attached by the students, mainly by the older ones, to the use of computer as a resource for school work which, till now, was done without it; and d) the rare use of the computer for supporting tasks of creative or autonomous nature

    Parecer sobre o Projecto de Gestão Flexível do Currículo

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    Parecer elaborado por encomenda da Secretaria de Estado de Educação e Inovação Educacional, em 2001Em resposta à encomenda da Secretaria de Estado de Educação e Inovação Educacional apresentamos a seguir um parecer baseado, fundamentalmente, numa análise documental da concepção do modelo que sustentou o que foi denominado como Projecto de Gestão Flexível do Currículo e que deu lugar à reorganização curricular consignada no Decreto Lei n.º 6/2001 recentemente promulgado. O Projecto de Gestão Flexível do Currículo (GFC) iniciado em 1996 com o lançamento de um processo de análise denominado de Reflexão Participada do Currículo, em que se começa a questionar o insucesso da reforma curricular, enquadrada em 1986 com a LBSE e orientada pelo Decreto Lei 286/89, desenvolveu-se progressivamente numa rede de escolas do ensino básico, e veio dar lugar a uma reorganização curricular, consagrada recentemente no Decreto Lei n.º 6/2001. A filosofia deste Projecto sustenta-se, em grande medida, no Documento Orientador das Políticas Educativas para o Ensino Básico — Educação, Integração, Cidadania — que, em 1998, define as grandes orientações para a Educação Básica, considerando que esta constitui um desafio a que todos os países desenvolvidos dão hoje a maior atenção. Da análise avaliativa que fizemos do projecto de inovação denominado de GFC, que se desenvolveu entre 1997-2001 e deu lugar ao Decreto Lei n.º 6/2001, que define as linhas da reorganização curricular que, no futuro próximo, se vai desenvolver nas escolas do ensino básico, emergiram um conjunto de problemáticas que suscitaram as seguintes questões. Estas questões, que apresentamos a seguir, irão orientar este nosso 1º parecer sobre a G.F.C. no que diz respeito à sua concepção e desenho, já que a avaliação sobre o seu desenvolvimento nas escolas será objecto de um outro relatório posterior.• Quais são os problemas fundamentais sinalizados como problemas-chave do nosso sistema educativo e mais concretamente do ensino básico e aos quais a GFC pretendeu dar resposta? • Quais as fases do processo de mudança que se podem identificar no desenvolvimento da GFC? • Em que medida as propostas de organização e de gestão curricular que a acompanham são coerentes e facilitadoras das mudanças propostas no desenho curricular? • De que modo os papéis, atribuições, regulações, processos de decisão, distribuição de poder, controlo, negociação, etc. dos intervenientes no projecto, nomeadamente da administração (DEB e DRE'S), das escolas e dos professores são coerentes e facilitadores da concretização da GFC?• Quais as mudanças produzidas na "mentalidade curricular" dos professores, especialmente na forma de se posicionarem como mediadores entre o currículo nacional e as necessidades dos contextos educativos? Para analisar e interpretar estas questões utilizaremos como quadro conceptual o modelo integrado de inovação curricular proposto por Alonso (1998), assim como o paradigma de currículo apresentado pela mesma autora (1996), com especial relevo para os critérios para a construção do currículo.Ministério da Educação. Secretaria de Estado de Educação e Inovação Educacional